
Hello everyone I’m Xavier A. Blake and I’d like to welcome you to my blog. A little bit about myself. I went to school for TV Production as my initial desire was to write films for a living. I’ve hit a few speed bumps along the way from the projects I’ve taken on to the people I’ve met. It has been a great learning experience. All of which has led me to create a novel. My first book is finished and is on it’s way to being published. So I’m very excited about that. I’m currently working on the next book in the series so look forward it.


On to the reason I’ve started this blog. The main one would be another avenue to share my book and other projects I may take on with the public. I also would like to share with people the artwork of some of those I’ve worked with. Among that though this also gives me an opportunity to write about topics I’m interested in. That’s when I can say I have the most fun writing. I feel when you care about something, it just makes it that much easier to write about it. To those reading down the line you may discover we have some similar interest. If so be sure to follow. For those who like some of my opinions and have other topics you’d like my input on be sure to let me know.

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